Top 10k strings from Sinclair User - Issue 123 - Great Eight 12 - Tips Amazing (1992)(Sinclair User)[a].tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   1 |2Re-run the program|2Return to Main Menu|2Exit to NEW|0-
   1 |0|0Copyright 
   1 packer    
   1 Tips.Amaz.
   1 This Is A 48k Program
   1 SELECT=9010
   1 SCROLL=9110
   1 SCRL=65024
   1 S$="0004,0005,0006,0007,0008,0009,0010,0011,0012,0013,0014,0015,0016,0017,0018,0019,0020,0021,0022":
   1 Leigh Thompson 
   1 L.Thompson & Sinclair User 
   1 Just remember software houses, it was the 8 bits that gave you all that money in the past 10 or so years . . JUst remember . . Hopefully I will be getting a Sam soon so I willbe able to witness what everyone has been raving on about . . Goodbye to Garth Sumpter, he has finally legged it from SU (where are you Sumpter) . . So it's congrats all round for Alan Dykes for becoming the 'big Ed'       
   1 Hello to Diana Templeman at accounts for sorting out my money problems . . Well I'm bored now, so until 31 days I will see you's later . . STOP PRESS - It's time for another Graham Mason and his amazing telephone skills . . It's 10pm and I get a phone call from his highness himself . . After him nattering (is Jon North right about his English!!!) on for about 5 minutes I finally get a word in      
   1 He suddenly says he has to go and he hangs up . . Cheers mate (he probably won't talk to me anymore, yet again!!!!)   As I was saying it's time to go, so until next time, stay loose 
   1 Good afternoon . . Well yes it's me again the Zenarchistic author - that's Zenarchistic if you missed it the first time . . Well today is the 17/3/92 and I've just been on the phone to Alan Dykes (thank's for me Sam (If I ever get it)) . . I think that the Spectrum may be dying a very slow death now. More and more software companies are moving into 16 bit computers and letting the 8 bits die      
   1 128.+2.+3 Machines Use  48k Mode
   1 11211411WWF WrestleMania|0|0Keep on coming out of the ring|0and drop kick the opposition twice|0and then go back into the ring.|0When the bloke comes back in,|0go back out and drop hime twice|0and so on until he has no energy|0left and you can then pin him down|0|0Press ENTER
   1 11211411Total Recall|0|0On the high score table|0~THE END IS NIGH~ (including the|0spaces) to advance a level|0|0Press ENTER
   1 11211411The Simpsons|0|0Buy 6-8 rockets. With these you|0can hit the bird in the pet shop,|0the bird on the statue, the|0Bowlerama sign & the 3 windows|0in the retirement home.|0To kill Nelson, keep on pressing|0fire, jump over the water bombs|0he throws and head Maggie's rocks|0onto him (collect 6 tokens first)|0|0Press ENTER
   1 11211411Strider|0|0Press ~ZO~ at the beginning|0and then press ~H & SHIFT 1~,|0it will take you to the next level|0|0Press ENTER
   1 11211411Rainbow Islands|0|0Collect the diamonds in this order|0Red, orange, yellow, green, blue|0indigo & violet. When you get to|0the guardian of the island a trap|0door will appear, go down it and|0there will be a room with loads|0of long lasting potions in it|0|0Press ENTER
   1 11211411Pro Boxing Simulator|0|0When the round starts, move|0over to the right of the screen|0and throw a few body blows.|0When the bloke comes back start|0slamming the uppercuts into his|0chin and you should knock|0him out|0|0Press ENTER
   1 11211411P47 Thunderbolt|0|0On the high score table|0type your name as ~ZEBEDEE~|0for infinite lives|0|0Press ENTER
   1 11211411Operation Thunderbolt|0|0Define your keys as 7-up|06-down, 8-left, 9-right, 0-fire|0and SPACE-rocket. Now choose 2|0players and if you are using|0Interface 2 you control both guns|0|0Press ENTER
   1 11211411Midnight Resistance|0|0On level 4, stand next to the|0waterfall and shoot the fish|0to get an extra life. There are|03 fish on this level, meaning|03 extra lives|0|0Press ENTER
   1 11211411Last Ninja 2|0|0Whilst in combat press ~H~|0when hitting him and his energy|0will go down?|0|0Press ENTER
   1 11211411Impossamole|0|0When on the high score table|0type the following:|0OUCHOUCH - Stop you dying in water|0HEINZ - Gives your weapons power up|0COMMANDO - You never need reload again|0LUMBERJAK - Infinite energy|0|0Press ENTER
   1 11211411Game Over 2|0|0Access code to part 2:|018757|0|0Press ENTER
   1 11211411Footballer Of The Year 2|0|0Select double of nothing icon,|0type Y and then 500 & ENTER.|0You will see the question with|0the timer. Press P to pause the|0timer, giving yourself endless|0time to get the answer|0|0Press ENTER
   1 11211411Final Fight|0|0The flames have to be jumped over|0so get close to them and press|0up and right and the same time.|0I can't get any further so that's|0about it until I get passed|0that bit|0|0MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER
   1 11211411Double Dragon 3|0|0The fat blokes take sometime|0to beat, so use your special|0move if have bought one. On the|0Greek level watch out for the|0blokes that fire arrows at you|0|0MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER
   1 11211411Dizzy Down The Rapids|0|0On the title screen hold down|0the keys ~CHEAT~ and press ENTER|0and you should have infinite energy|0I couldn't get it to work but|0you might have better luck|0|0Press ENTER
   1 11211411Back To The Future 3|0|0GAME ONE - THE BUCK BOARD CHASE|0Pick up all the luggage that Clara|0has dropped, luggage means points|0On the vertical section pick up|0the gun, this lets you fire 3|0shots at a time|0|0GAME 2 NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER
   1 11211411Arkanoid 2|0|0Type ~MAAAAH~ for the cheat mode|0|0Press ENTER
   1 07707711The Final|1Menu|0|0Select:-|0-
   1 07107711The Ploppy Menu|0|2Arkanoid 2|2Double Dragon 3|2Final Fight|2Game Over 2|2WWF WrestleMania|2Dizzy Down The Rapids|2Impossamole|2P47 Thunderbolt|2Pro Boxing Simulator|2Total Recall|2Footballer Of The Year 2|2Strider|2Midnight Resistance|2Rainbow Islands|2Operation Thunderbolt|2Back To The Future 3|2Last Ninja 2|2The Simpsons|2++ Multiface Hacks ++|2** NEXT MENU **
   1 07007711++ MULTIFACE HACKS|0|0If the POKE starts with a 5|0figure number at the beginning|0(eg, 31523,0) then use text|0mode on your multiface. If it's a|04 figure alphanumeric number then|0use hexadecimal mode.|0|0Sorry no time for any this month|0as this has to be sent off in|0about 20 minutes, I'll do some|0next month|0|0Press ENTER
   1 05805611Credits Menu|0|0Basic and Design by|0Leigh Thompson|0Menu code and menu design by|0Rick O'Neill|0|0Copyright 
   1 ,B,B,B,B,124
   1  1992|0Leigh Thompson|0Sinclair User|0Pointy Stick Productions|0|0Use UP and DOWN cursors to select|0with ENTER to choose.|0|0Still not alot out, so|0it's re-releases yet again|0|1Press ENTER to continue
   1  1992|0Leigh Thompson
   1  1992